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Safeguarding and Compliance Policy

We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children, young persons and adults at risk in our sport and our aim is to ensure all who participate in cheerleading have a safe, fun, positive experience and are able to fulfil their potential. 


CheerUnleashed abides by the safeguarding policy set out by Sport Cheer England: full details of which can be found in the 'Safeguarding Policy' section of the SportCheer England website.


We have appointed Gabrielle Broad as our Club Head of Welfare Officer who can be contacted in confidence by email at

Additionally SportCheer England has Welfare Officers whose contact details can be downloaded from their website 'here'.



Cheerleaders Code of Conduct

A CheerUnleashed Cheerleader must:

  • Show respect to coaches, judges, officials and other gymnasts.

  • Listen to and follow the instructions of his/her coach.

  • Not to go onto equipment before their class.

  • Support and encourage his/her teammates.

  • Always train with a positive attitude.

  • Attempt to do every move with good form.

  • Take care of the Club’s equipment.

  • Take pride in their Club and make sure that they do their part in keeping the gym clean and tidy.

  • If your child brings in a lunch/snack box to the gym due to a long training period, then a balanced diet will be desirable. Cheerleader's food intake prior and during training affects their training efficiency.

  • A cheerleader must always drink plenty of fluids during training, i.e. water/squash only.

  • Our coaches wish to maximise coaching time with their group of cheerleaders, therefore if you wish to speak to your child’s coach, please do so either before or after the training session.

  • As of 1st January 2023 we will be expecting all cheerleaders to wear cheer trainers. If you do not wish to purchase cheer trainers then we will have trainers to hire. Otherwise sticky socks can be purchased- socks may impact on the skills that the athlete is able to partake in.


Parents and Guardians Code of Conduct

  • Ensure that your child wishes to participate in cheerleading. Encourage your child to participate, do not force them. Focus on your child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing. Never punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes.

  • Encourage your child to learn the Clubs rules and to abide by them.

  • Ensure that your child comes appropriately dressed for their session including long hair tied back and brings a full water bottle.

  • In the case of absence, a message should be left with the gym, prior to the start of the training session.

  • Cheer shoes, hire shoes or sticky socks are to be worn. 

  • Food is not to be eaten on any cheer floor or equipment.

  • No filming or photos to be taken at any point from viewing area you will be asked to delete them and if it continues you will be asked to leave.

  • Noise levels must be kept to a minimum in the waiting area whilst a class is in session.

  • Parents should not attempt to communicate with their child during their class except in the case of an emergency.

  • Show an appreciation of volunteers, coaches, officials and administrators.

  • Criticism of other people’s children / coaches can be upsetting to all and is frowned upon by this Centre. Please refrain from this.

  • Use appropriate language at all times on club’s premises and at events/competitions.

  • Remember that children learn best by example. Set a good example for your child by recognising good sportsmanship and applauding the good performance of all.

  • If you have any issues regarding your child and you wish to discuss them directly with the appropriate coach, you can speak to them briefly before the start of their session, via e-mail or arrange a longer chat at a time that is convenient for the coach and that doesn’t take them away from a scheduled training session.

  • Concerns and complaints about any aspect of the Club should be raised via e-mail and through the appropriate channels.

  • Always collect your child promptly at the end of the session and remind them that they must wait in the building  until collected if you are coming in to get them. Once an athlete has left their training session in the room of their training CheerUnleashed is no longer responsible for them, please bare this in mind if you have said your child is being collected via a taxi or you have said they can walk out to the car on their own/walk home alone.

  • If your child is attending an event without an adult, please note that the sole responsibility of your child at the event, and getting to and from the event does not lie with CheerUnleashed. We always recommend that under 18s have an adult attending events with them to ensure safety, if your child is slightly older i.e. 17 and you have decided to send them alone that is your decision and ultimately your responsibility.

  • If your child is collected more than 15 minutes late then a charge will apply.

  • Please pay fees promptly.

  • We only refund if the class is cancelled by ourselves. No refunds or athlete transfers by date time or athlete are offered. 

Fire Policy

The whole of CheerUnleashed is a SMOKE FREE ZONE including out the front of the building. In the unlikely event of a fire occurring during a training session an alarm will be sounded, and the following procedures will be implemented:

  • Cheerleaders and coaches will move in an orderly way to the exit doors at either end of either gym hall and line up on the car parks away from the buildings.

  • Parents and others in the waiting area will likewise move out of either fire escapes or the main entrance doors and head towards the car parks. 

Child and Vunerable Adult Protection Policy


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young vulnerable adults and expects coaches and volunteers to share this commitment and adhere to and comply with our Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Statement at all times.

The club will endeavour to promote the highest standards of care for all members, staff and officials by:

  • Providing and implementing procedures to safeguard the well being of all participants and protect them from abuse.

  • Respect and promote the rights, wishes and feelings of all participants.

  • Adopt good practice in recruitment, training and supervision of all employees and volunteers, and provide guidance to parents and carers.

  • The appointment of a Welfare Officer to whom grievances or complaints can be made confidentially.

  • Ensuring that staff are suitably trained in Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues.

  • Ensuring that coaches and officials have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children including Enhanced Criminal Record Disclosure.

  • Ensuring that the participants and/or parents are aware of the purpose of videoing, filming and photography during training or events.

  • Having a zero tolerance level of poor practice, bullying or any potential form of abuse.

  • Respond to all allegations and concerns, and implement the appropriate disciplinary and appeals procedure.

Club Terms and Conditions

Here at CheerUnleashed we want to maintain a happy club that functions in the best way for our athlete's. In order to do this we have put the following measures in place.


All of our sessions/clothing items/bows are non refundable. Sessions are also non-transferable between dates, different classes and athletes, please ensure that you/your athlete can attend before booking. 


Competitive teams are monthly pass option only. 

Once an athlete has started to pay monthly passes it is a one month notice period if they wish to leave, this is as their space is already reserved on the class. This is a full calendar month's notice. If you give your notice half way through a month, then the full calendar month commences from the first day of the following month. I.e If you give notice on the 15th January then February will still be chargeable in full. 


This is in order to maximise coach planning time and to encourage athlete commitment. 


Thank you for your understanding.

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